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What is We Care Ministries?
We Care Ministries (WCM) is an evangelism operation, consisting of both training for a church and commencing with a full-scale 12-day campaign. Trained in the We Care approach are workers called “Cadre,” who travel to churches at their own expenses and serve as team leaders, training local Christians in the field. Larry West, director, has served under the Church of Christ in West Monroe, Louisiana, for more than 30 years completing nearly 200 campaigns. We Care Ministries’ goal is to “leave no soul behind,” anyone desiring Heaven, come Judgment Day! We pray that is your goal! If so, may we help?Vision and Goals of We Care Ministries“To leave no soul behind,” the WCM paradigm mirrors Christ’s call to go and make disciples, baptizing them as he commands, the “Matthew twenty-eight” model. To do that, our three goals are uncomplicated, clear, scriptural and fruitful. They are: 1. To win souls
We understand God’s Word clearly commands Christians to take the Gospel to the lost, begging them to be reconciled to Him. The proven We Care approach of using a “conversational interview” equips the soul winner to quickly establish an initial connection with the lost person; this connection often results, then, in an easy transition into his presenting the saving gospel of Christ. We see the need is to adopt the “whole person,” from beginning to end. We have learned the phrase, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” begins with the initial acquaintance and carries into his “AfterCare,” that is, into his mentoring process to full maturity.2. To train soul winners
The adage “give a man a fish and he eats for a day, but teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime” is true for soul winning. Our goal includes leaving churches further equipped. We want to help churches’ future to leap into mature soul saving. Our simple approach has easily transformed both seasoned Christians and new converts into excited and productive soul winners. And, to God be the credit and glory, churches have doubled and tripled in size in the months after their encounters with We Care Ministries. As a result of this renewed zeal churches have even planted new congregations, English and Spanish. The reason is simple: It is merely Christians binding together in love, giving emphasis to telling the community the Gospel of Christ.3. To edify the local congregation
Both the We Care Seminar and especially the Campaign will even transform the “language” of your congregation. That is, talk of sports and hobbies, jobs and jokes, will soon give way to an elevated concern for the lost and needy! The encounter can actually change the “vision” of your congregation. And that is a must! For the church is a movement, not a monument!The “Caring” ApproachWe encourage adopting the “whole person.” That means our approach is tailored to meet a broad range of a lost person’s needs; and it is designed to do it from the beginning, carried through his rescue and into his “AfterCare” into full maturity. The Bible clearly demonstrates Christ’s concern for a man’s physical and spiritual needs. So, WCM, in concert with the local congregation, works to meet them in a balanced and scriptural way.Physical needs: (Matthew 25)
The soul winner’s initial concern is his prospect’s physical needs. We ask, how can you gain his attention when his hunger pangs are too often greater than his concern for the Gospel? Generally, “he will not care how much you know until he knows how much you care.” So, to win the stranger’s interest, our approach asks questions per those concerns, but in the “third person.” This disarms all usual resistance and explores the needs of his friends, of his family and those he may know in the hospital. It also may open the door for meeting his own benevolent needs.Spiritual Needs: (Romans 6)
The soul winner’s primary (or key) concern is his prospect’s lost condition. For we want to “leave no soul behind!” “You will not convert until you confront!” So, once his physical needs are tended to (if any), the soul winner’s focus is set on asking him our “We Care Question,” “What if the Lord were to come right now; would you know for sure, nothing doubting, that you would go to Heaven?” The question, thus, leads into salvation dialog via the “conversational interview.” Once the interviewer learns his personal history, including any “salvation experience,” the soul winner kindly turns the study into the Gospel Presentation (identified as the “Movie” on WCM’s “Let’s Get Real!” DVD). Our WCM Gospel Presentation contains “Life and Death” scriptures that one must understand to be saved by the blood of Christ. The first part introduces him to Christ; second, what Jesus did for him; third, why he needs the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ (answering both his sin and grave problems); fourth, what it will cost him to be saved; and finally, what he must do to “get in on it,” accompanied with the final urge to obey, “And now why are you waiting? Arise and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord” (Acts 22:16).Getting a congregation ready to meet those needs:
“Evangelism begins with ‘AfterCare!’” That is, you are ready to win souls only when you are ready to work to keep them! The question concerned leaders often ask is, “How do you motivate a church to get ready?” The WCM Staff works with the leaders of the congregation to both motivate and train mature Christians to facilitate their helping new converts grow up in the Lord. WCM provides a suggested “AfterCare” adoption/mentoring process and curriculum for the new convert. This is done via an “AfterCare Workshop.” “There is no shame in not knowing how to win a soul; the shame comes when you have lived your life never having learned how.”
- Larry WestWhat We Care Ministries has to offer you:
The We Care Seminar (Evangelism Training, identified as “Seminar” on WCM’s “Let’s Get Real!” DVD) and the We Care AfterCare Workshop (Adoptive/Mentor Training) have intrinsic values all their own. So, you do not need to schedule a Campaign to host either or both. However, if you do book a Campaign, both are necessary ingredients of the package. And the entire package is available both in English and Spanish; on the staff are English and Spanish evangelists and trained cadre of soldiers.The We Care Campaign process
To host a We Care Campaign, there are six major preparation phases:1. Turn your dream into action! Contact We Care Ministries! (To help promote the campaign, use the promo “Become a Part!” on WCM’s “Let’s Get Real!” DVD.)2. A WCM Staff member will then quickly contact you. He will inform you with more details.3. Dates will be set for the Campaign, subsequently for the Evangelism Seminar and AfterCare Workshop. You will then receive documentation to guide you through the planning process and help descriptions from our staff.4. The Evangelism Seminar scheduled prior to the Campaign will train your members on the WCM methodology, reaching friends, family and strangers in your community. This is evangelism training, a Friday-night, all-day-Saturday and Sunday-morning event.5. The AfterCare Workshop scheduled also prior to the Campaign will tutor your members on the WCM methodology that is critically important to keeping your new converts and growing them up in the Lord. This too is a weekend event.6. Finally, the We Care Campaign ensues. The WCM lead teams will arrive often seven to ten days ahead of the scheduled campaign, setting up and providing experienced help in the final days of preparation. You will not be alone! WCM does not conduct campaigns “for” a church but “with” a church. We highly respect the church’s autonomy! But we will be there ahead of the campaign on this and other scheduled occasions. Our aim is to help you, with leadership and service, in getting you very ready!The WCM Stats
We Care Ministries has 30+ years experience. The WCM door-knocking national stats show that out of every three doors we knock, someone is at home; then, we are able to present the Gospel to one out of five of those who answer the door; and we are able to baptize one out of ever four of those who hear the Gospel of Christ. WCM has seen 3200+ obey in the past six years, and that just on the 12-day campaigns.Your congregation’s future
Each year we hear of the closings of more and more congregations of the Lord’s people in the USA while we see steady growth around the world, especially in Africa. The honest heart must ask why! Wherein lies the problem? It rests in ATTITUDE! That is, this decline is often the direct product of a “We’re maintaining our own” posture! When a church drifts into a “Just keep the doors open” frame of mind, that will guarantee the eventual closing of those very doors! Only courage like that of Joshua and Caleb can reverse such a negative growth within the Lord’s church!We Care Ministries offers assistance to church leaders looking for renewed direction. Yes, there will be an impact on the church’s resources. It will cost your love, which includes your time, energy, attention, money. But, this cost is minimal to the cost of doing nothing! God’s grace is the true motivation! God help us, “Let’s Get Real!” What is the value of one soul? Larry West, director, says, “The one thing God wants off this planet and into Heaven is people! And a We Care soul-winning Campaign is the closest thing to New Testament Christianity than anything else I’ve ever seen!” He urges, “To arrive at your goal you must first know what you want, but that is not enough; you must also decide what you are willing to sacrifice to get it!” So, what would you give to reclaim one soul from Satan’s grasp? As is our own WCM passion, may it be yours, that when Jesus comes again, let us “leave no soul behind!”
Visit the web
Visit www.wecareministries.com for other information, i.e. available soul-winning tools (such as WCM’s “Let’s Get Real!”, latest WCM news, list of the WCM Staff and other phone numbers and addresses.